431 West 5th Ave, Omak, WA 98841  |  Fax: (509) 422-1713  |  Call: (509) 422-3721

Property Owners/Landlords - interested in learning more about the benefits or how to participate should visit our Landlord Information page, call, or email housingspecialist@okanoganhousing.org


In Washington State - Tenants are Protected from discrimination Based on their Source of Income. RCW 59.18.255

Mainstream Voucher - waitlist is open for preapplications

FOR non-elderly (AGE 18-61) with A verified disability*

This voucher program offers rental assistance to individuals or families who have a household member between the ages of 18 and 61 with a verifiable disability. The household must make less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Participants in the Mainstream Voucher Program are responsible for locating suitable housing that is affordable through a combination of rent paid by the tenant, and a subsidy paid by the HAOC on behalf of the tenant.

The rental subsidy amount is based on the Fair Market Rent Payment Standards for Okanogan County and units must meet HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS). An assisted family can expect to pay 30-40% of their monthly income towards rent and utilities. Adjusted Monthly Household Income limits apply. Administered by the HAOC since 2006 with 75 vouchers.  In 2020 the HAOC, by national competition, was awarded 75 more Mainstream Vouchers, and with the CARES Act of Covid_19, the agency received 23 new vouchers.

The Mainstream Voucher Waitlist is OPEN to new applications as of JANUARY 11, 2021, AT 12:00 PM

The Mainstream Voucher Application may be submitted:

  • By Fax: 1(509)422-1713

  • By Mail to: HAOC, 431 5th Ave W, Omak, WA 98841

  • Or Submitted: in our secure lock box located at 431 West 5th Avenue in Omak Washington


Housing Choice Voucher “SECTION 8” (HCV) - WAITLIST closed


  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and a United States citizen or a noncitizen who has eligible immigration status.

    • Eligible immigration status includes a lawful permanent resident; registry immigrant; refugee or asylee; conditional entrant; parolee; withholding grantee; person granted 1986 amnesty status; resident of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, or Guam; victim or relative of a victim of trafficking.

  • The household must make less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

  • You can apply to most nationwide waiting lists, regardless of where you currently live.

Fair Market Rent Payment Standards for Okanogan County apply as established by HUD, and units must meet HUD’s basic Housing Quality Standards (HQS).  The HAOC currently administers about 165 Housing Choice Vouchers. Since 1998 the “Section 8” or Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, offers low-income community members with an opportunity to access safe and affordable housing of their choice.  The program provides a monthly rent subsidy that is paid to landlords on behalf of the voucher recipient. Families are able to find and lease privately owned housing within Okanogan County. Voucher participants pay approximately 30-40% of the Adjusted Monthly Household Income towards rent and utilities. Participants in the HCV Program are responsible for locating suitable housing that is affordable through a combination of rent paid by the tenant, and a subsidy paid by the Housing Authority of Okanogan County (HAOC) on behalf of the tenant.

Project-Based Housing Choice Voucher (PBV)

To be administered starting in 2021. The Project-Based Housing Choice Voucher program is similar to the Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher program except the subsidy is attached to a specific unit, rather than the tenant household.  After completing an initial 12-month lease period, tenants in a PBV unit may have an opportunity to move with continued assistance through the HCV program. The HAOC currently has 25 vouchers under contract at the upcoming Meadow Point Family Housing. For the PBV Program, the HAOC determines initial subsidy eligibility, and the property owners/agents assess tenancy eligibility.

HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)

Administered since 2018. The HUD-Veteran’s Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program combines the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with clinical support, and case management provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). 

Eligible participants for the HUD-VASH Voucher Program include Veterans experiencing homelessness who would benefit from case management support.  Veterans must be eligible to receive services through the VA, and all referrals are provided to the HAOC by the Okanogan County Community Action Veterans Program. The Housing Authority of Okanogan County administers 30 VASH vouchers.